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NAYLAX Board of Directors

To contact NA Boys Youth Lacrosse, please use the email our general inbox, so we can direct you to the appropriate person.

Board Members can also be reached directly at the addresses below.


President:  Sam Cammarata        

Vice President:  Meredith Henn 

Treasurer:  Nicole Mazur                 

Secretary:  Nicole Burger


Scheduling:  Kristen Uiselt            

Head of Coaching:  Jared Beers

Elementary Development & High School Relations:  Nick Uhler

Equipment & New Player Relations:  Seth Staffen

Head of Fields:  Phil Burger


Apparel:  Rick Repasky

Fundraising:  Nathan Goheen

Sponsorship:  Chris Randall


Member-At-Large:  Justin Papciak

Member-At-Large:  Jason Cuda